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Containers Service

A team of specialists who are passionate about creating unique modifications of shipping containers to meet the needs of our clients. Get to know our history and check out our offer!

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About us

We are a company dealing with the modification and shipping containers sale. We are distinguished by efficient adaptation and implementation throughout Europe.

We provide services based on our experience and knowledge gained over several years. Our customers appreciate our individual and non-standard approach to every project. We take up orders that we know will be carried out on a European level. We create houses, gastronomic premises and offices based on containers. We make sanitary containers, container workshops and Self-Storage container warehouses. Discover our history and check out what we have to offer!

Our Team

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Jesteśmy w stanie zrealizować każde wyzwanie związane z modyfikacją wybranego kontenera

Odpowiednia adaptacja kontenerów pozwala stworzyć lokal usługowy, gastronomiczny a nawet mieszkalny. Zobacz nasze modyfikacje kontenerów na przykładzie wybranych realizacji.

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